Jute Rugs

Experience the warmth and organic feel of our eco-conscious Jute Rugs collection, skillfully crafted from 100% natural fibres. Our jute rugs come in various sizes, shapes, and patterns, perfectly complementing your home decor with a rustic charm. Sustainability is at the heart of our production, ensuring our rugs are soft, durable, and environmentally friendly. Join the movement towards a greener future and elevate your space with our exquisite jute rug collection today. 

Onlymat Micro Boucle 'Hello' Design Printed Anti Slip Jute  Mat - OnlyMat Sale
from ₹349.00

Eco-Friendly Hello Doormat: Jute, Printed & Anti-Slip

Jute Rug


Our jute Printed Micro Boucle mats are the finest and softest of all-natural floor covering options. These doormats with a quality base provide a ...

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from ₹349.00

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